Q. A store charges RS 120 per item if you buy less than 10 items. If you buy between 10 and 99 items ,the cost is RS100 per item . if you buy more items, The cost is RS 70 the user how many items they are buying and print the total cost.
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Answer :-
item = int(input("Enter the total number of items = ")) if item < 10 : print("Total cost = ",item * 120 , "rs") elif 10 <= item and item <= 99 : print("Total cost = ",item * 100, "rs") else : print("Total cost = ",item * 70 , "rs")
Output :-
Enter the total number of items = 5
Total cost = 600 rs
Enter the total number of items = 12
Total cost = 1200 rs
Enter the total number of items = 155
Total cost = 10850 rs
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