Q. Write a program that should prompts the user to type some sentence (s) followed by “enter ”. it should then print the original sentence (s) and the following statistics relating to sentence (s):

(i) Number of words

(ii) Numbers of character (including white-space and punctuation )

(iii) Percentage of character that are alphanumeric.

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Answer :-

sen = input("Enter a sentence = ")
count = 1
alp = 0 
for j in sen :
    if j == " " :
        count += 1
    elif j.isalnum() :
        alp += 1
print("Number of word is ",count)
print("Number of characters ",len(sen))
print("Percentage of alpha numeric = ", (alp / len(sen)) * 100)

Output :-

Enter a sentence = ? Welcome to our website Path Walla : )
Number of word is  9
Number of characters  39
Percentage of alpha numeric =  71.7948717948718


Enter a sentence = #Python is my Love?
Number of word is  4
Number of characters  19
Percentage of alpha numeric =  73.68421052631578



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  1. i cant understand percentage can you pl explain once


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