Q. Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to enter product names and prices. Store all of these in a dictionary whose keys are the product names and whose values are the price.

When the user is done entering products and price, allow them to repeatedly enter a product name and print the corresponding price or a message if the product is not in dictionary.

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Answer :-

dic = { }

while True :
    product = input("Enter the name of product (enter q for quit )= ")
    if product == "q" or product == "Q" :
    else :
        price = int(input("Enter the price of product = "))
        dic [ product ] = price

while True :
    name = input("Enter the name of product those you have entered (enter q for quit )= ")
    if name == "q" or name == "Q" :
    else :
        if name not in dic :
            print("Name of product is invalid")
        else :
            print("Price of product = ",dic[name])

Output :-

Enter the name of product (enter q for quit )= Path
Enter the price of product = 100
Enter the name of product (enter q for quit )= Walla
Enter the price of product = 85
Enter the name of product (enter q for quit )= Portal
Enter the price of product = 80
Enter the name of product (enter q for quit )= Express
Enter the price of product = 70
Enter the name of product (enter q for quit )= q

Enter the name of product those you have entered (enter q for quit )= Walla
Price of product =  85

Enter the name of product those you have entered (enter q for quit )= Python
Name of product is invalid

Enter the name of product those you have entered (enter q for quit )= Portal
Price of product =  80

Enter the name of product those you have entered (enter q for quit )= q



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