Physics Question Paper Unit Test 3

Time : 90 min                                                                                 M.M = 50

1 =  All question are compulsory .

Q1 =Which is more elastic and why rubber or steel? 

Q2. The meniscus of mercury is convex in shape, why ? 

Q3: State Pascal's law and define terminal velocity. 

Q4 State law of equipartition of energy. Write degree of freedom for a diatomic gas. 

Q5= Show that elastic potential energy per unit volume of a wire is given by U/V = ½ stress x strain. 

Q6:A steel wire of length 4.7 meter and area of cross section 3x10-5 m so stretches by the same amount as a copper wire of length 3.5 meter and area of cross section 4x 10-5 m square under a given load .calculate ratio of Young's modulus of steel to that of Young's modulus of copper.

 Q7:How will you show that the effect of gravity on fluid pressure. Calculate the relationship for the pressure. 

Q8:A piece of iron of density 7.8x103 kg m-3 and volume 10 cm3 is totally immersed in water of density 103 kg m-3  Calculate-
 1)weight of iron in air
2)the upthrust and
3)its apparent weight in water. Take g=10 m s-2
Q9: Define Reynolds number, what is the significance of this number? Write its value for streamline, unsteady and turbulent flow of a fluid. 

Q10: Give any three applications of Bernoulli's theorem. 

Q11: Water is flowing through a pipe of area of cross section 9Ï€ m2 at a speed of 10 ms-1  if diameter is halved, then find the speed of flow of water through the pipe. 

Q12: Calculate an expression for the excess pressure inside a liquid drop. 

Q13: State three assumptions of kinetic theory of gases, derive an expression for the pressure of an ideal gas also derive gay Lussa's law from it. 

Q14: Prove Bernoulli's theorem for an ideal liquid, define the term gravitational head, velocity hand and pressure head. 

Q15: What is capillarity, derive Ascent formula, show that Ï’=3α where the symbols have their Usual meanings. 

a) A 30 gram ice at zero degree centigrade is dropped into 200 gram of H2O at 30 degree centigrade .Calculate the final temperature of water, when the whole ice is melted .Given specific heat of ice = 1 calorie per gram per degree centigrade and latent heat of ice=80 calorie per gram.
b) Explain stress- strain graph for a material body.

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