Q. Write SQL commands for the following on the basis of given table :

(a) Select all the PROG type published by BPB from Library.

(b) Display a list of all books with Price more then 130 and sorted by Qty.

(c) Display all the books sorted by Price in ascending order.

Answer  =

Select * from library
Where type = ‘PROG’ AND pub = ‘BPB’ ;

Select title from library
Where price >130
Order by Qty;

Select title from  library
Order by price ;


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  1. Replies
    1. 3rd is correct.
      In MySQL Default sorting is in ascending order.

    2. Good job sir thakyou for helping🌚

  2. 1. To create the above table structure with proper constraints.
    5. Display a report. Listing Book No. current value and misplacement charges for each book in the above
    table. Calculate the misplacement charges for all books Price*1.25
    6. Count the number of books published by PHI
    8. Count the no of books in each Type.
    9. Add one more attribute “No_of_copies” in the above table.
    10. Update the new attribute value with 2 for each book.
    11. Count the total number of Publishers.
    can u please help me by giving this answer?

    1. 5. SELECT Listing Book No, price ,price*1.25 as misplacement chargesFROM library ;

      6.SELECT COUNT(*) FROM library WHERE pub="PHI";

      9. ALTER TABLE library ADD no_of_copies int;

  3. In the third part of this question why Asc is not written

    1. Because order by clause has default value 'asc'

  4. Why it's not written select title in b and c part as in question they have written display name of book .I am confusing .can u please give my answer..

    1. Because I have written * which mean to display all data.

    2. But we just have to display the names....not all records??

  5. It's just a different model of question to be asked But , Don't worry answers will be same for everything.

  6. In C part Ascending is not used


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