Q. Consider the data given below create a sequence required from the data below :-
Write code to :
(a) Create bar chart to see distribution of rainfall from jan – dec for all the zones .
(b) Create a pie chart to check the amount of rainfall in jan separately .
(c) Create a line chart to observe any trends from jan to dec .
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Answer :-
import matplotlib.pyplot as p import numpy as n jan= [140,160,140,180,110] feb= [130,200,180,150,160] mar = [130,130,150,200,130] apr = [190,200,170,120,110] may = [160,200,190,180,120] jun = [200,170,140,140,170] jul = [150,110,170,110,130] aug = [170,160,180,130,200] sep= [190,130,190,150,150] oct = [170,140,150,190,160] nov= [150,170,140,110,170] dec = [120,200,170,140,130] con= ["North","South","East","West","Central"] b = n. arange( 20 , 110 ,20) p.title("Rain fall data ") p.ylabel("Rain in mm ") p.xlabel("Zones") p.xlim(0,120) p.bar(b+0.0 , jan,width=1.0 , label= "jan",color = "r") p.bar(b + 1 , feb,width=1.0, label= "feb",color = "y") p.bar(b + 2 , mar,width=1.0, label= "mar",color = "b") p.bar(b + 3 , apr,width=1.0, label= "apr",color = "g") p.bar(b + 4 , may,width=1.0, label= "may",color = "c") p.bar(b + 5 , jun,width=1.0, label= "jun",color = "k") p.bar(b + 6 , jul,width=1.0, label= "jul",color = "m") p.bar(b + 7 , aug,width=1.0, label= "aug",color = "pink") p.bar(b + 8 , sep,width=1.0, label= "sep",color = "orange") p.bar(b + 9 , oct,width=1.0, label= "oct",color = "brown") p.bar(b + 10 , nov,width=1.0, label= "nov",color = "gray") p.bar(b + 11 , dec,width=1.0, label= "dec",color = "purple") p.legend (loc= "upper left") p.xticks(b+6,con) p . show()
import matplotlib.pyplot as p jan= [140,160,140,180,110] p.title("Portal Express") con= ["North","South","East","West","Central"] p.pie(jan,labels=con,autopct="%1.1f%%") p . show()
import matplotlib.pyplot as p import numpy as n b = n.arange(12) North = [140,130,130,190,160,200,150,170,190,170,150,120] South = [160,200,130,200,200,170,110,160,130,140,170,200] East = [140,180,150,170,190,140,170,180,190,150,140,170] West = [180,150,200,120,180,140,110,130,150,190,110,140] Central = [110,160,130,110,120,170,130,200,150,160,170,130] p.plot(b,North,color = 'r', label = 'North') p.plot(b,South,color = 'b', label = 'South') p.plot(b,East,color = 'g', label = 'East') p.plot(b,West,color = 'y', label = 'West') p.plot(b,Central,color = 'k', label = 'Central') p.legend(loc='upper left') p.xticks(b,['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sept','oct','nov','dec']) p.xlabel("Months") p.ylabel("Rainfall in mm") p.show()
Output :-
Iam boominath it's really help ful
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