Q. Write a program to print an acrostic poem as shown below :-

In the output you need not print bigger letter for P E A C E, but make sure these letters make a vertical word in the output.

Answer = 

print("These things I have sPoken unto you,\n                that in me yE might have peace.\n      In the world ye shAll have tribulation :\n           but be good     Cheer  ;\n          I have overcomE the world ")

Output :-

These things I have sPoken unto you,
                that in me yE might have peace.
      In the world ye shAll have tribulation :
           but be good     Cheer  ;
          I have overcomE the world



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  1. Not getting the required output

    1. Copy this code as it is . Then you found required output.....

    2. Copy this code as it is. Then you see that 1st sentence has the maximum number of characters before 'P' i.e. at 22nd position;

      You will have remove extra spaces from the each line after pasting the above code. For e.g, when you will paste the you will realise that in 2nd line, E is coming at 29th position, hence delete 7 extra spaces.

  2. bhai i have got the solutions only on your blogspot thanks for it but if you can provide download file for solutions it will be much help of us .Thanks!!

  3. finally a site where i have the solutions but please give all the solutions

    1. I am upload all solution wait for some days : )

  4. thank u sir your site helped very much...☺☺☺

  5. thank you bahiya you made my day :">
    God may bless you with 100 years of life

  6. Sir plz upload the pdf of book too


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