Q. Modify the above function to take a third parameter called shape type. Shape type should be either triangle or rectangle. Based on the shape, it should calculate the area.


Formula used: Rectangle Area = length  *width


Answer =


def calculate_area(x , y , z) :
    if z == "rectangle" :
        print ("Area of Rectangle : - ", x * y)
    elif z == "triangle" :
        print ("Area of Triangle is : - ", 1 / 2 * x * y)
    else :
        print ("Error :( ")
shape = input("Enter the Shape (rectangle OR triangle) :- ")
base_or_length = float(input("Enter the 'Length or Base' : - "))
height_or_width = float (input ("Enter the 'Height or width' : - "))
calculate_area(base_or_length , height_or_width , shape)

Output :-

Enter the Shape (rectangle OR triangle) :- rectangle
Enter the 'Length or Base' : - 24
Enter the 'Height or width' : - 12
Area of Rectangle : -  288.0


Enter the Shape (rectangle OR triangle) :- triangle
Enter the 'Length or Base' : - 59
Enter the 'Height or width' : - 97
Area of Triangle is : -  2861.5


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  1. Just a simpler form
    def Shape(Shp,a,b):
    if Shp=="Triangle":
    return area
    elif Shp=="Rectangle":
    return area
    s=input("Enter the Shape: ",)
    h_l=int(input("Enter the Height of the Triangle: "))
    b_w=int(input("Enter the Base of the Triangle: "))
    print("Area of ",s," is: ",Shape(s,h_l,b_w))


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