Q. Write a program to display all of the integers from 1 up to and including some integer entered by the user followed by a list of each number's prime factors. Numbers greater than 1 that only have a single prime factor will be marked as prime.


For example, if the user enters 10 then the output of the program should be:


Enter the maximum value to display: 10

1 = 1

2 = 2 (prime)

3 = 3 (prime)

4 = 2x2

5 = 5 (prime)

6 = 2x3

7 = 7 (prime)

8 = 2x2x2

9 = 3x3

10 = 2x5

You can understand by Watching video :-

Answer =


num = int(input("Enter a number :-"))
print("1 = 1 \n2 = 2(prime)")
for i in range(3,num+1):
    print(i ,end=" = ")
    prime = 0
    multiply = 1
    factor = ""
    number = i
    for j in range(2,i):
        while number % j == 0:
            prime = 1
            multiply *= j
            if multiply > i :
            else :
                factor+= str(j)+"x"
                number = number // j
        if multiply > i :
    if prime == 0:

Output :-

Enter a number :-10

1 = 1

2 = 2(prime)

3 = 3 (prime)

4 = 2x2

5 = 5 (prime)

6 = 2x3

7 = 7 (prime)

8 = 2x2x2

9 = 3x3

10 = 2x5


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  1. Thanks a lot��

  2. Please attach video solution for this question

  3. yes the code is ok but it is not generalised . Suppose if somebody enters 1 then only "1=1" should be printed but in your case "2=2(prime)" will also printed.

    n = int(input("Enter a limit: "))
    pf = []
    def prime(a):
    c = 0
    for i in range(1, a + 1):
    if a % i == 0:
    c += 1
    if c == 2:
    return a
    return 1
    for i in range(2, n + 1):
    if prime(i) == i:
    l = len(pf)
    if n >= 1: print("1==1")
    for i in range(2, n + 1):
    if prime(i) == i:
    print(i, "=", i, "(prime)")
    print(i, end=" = ")
    a = []
    var = i
    for k in range(0, l):
    while var % pf[k] == 0:
    var /= pf[k]
    l1 = len(a)
    for y in range(0, l1 - 1):
    print(a[y], end=" x ")
    print(a[l1 - 1])

    This code will work for all values but it is done with the use of functions .. Hppy coding

  4. Why are such spaces given in between ? Is it mandatory ?


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