Dictionaries || Type A || Sumita Arora || Class 11 || Information Practices || Solution

Q1. Why is dictionary termed as an unordered collection of objects ?


Q2. What type of objects can be used as keys in dictionaries ?


Q3. Though tuples are immutable type, yet they cannot always be used as keys in a dictionary. What is the condition to use tuples as a key in a dictionary ?


Q5. What all types of values can you store in : (a) dictionary-values ?(b) dictionary-keys ?

Q6. Can you change the order of dictionary's contents, i.e., can you sort the contents of a dictionary ?

Q7. In no more than one sentence, explain the following Python error and how it could arise: Type Error : unhashable type: 'list'

Q8. Can you check for a value inside a dictionary using in operator ?How will you check for a value inside a dictionary using in operator ?

Q9. Dictionary is a mutable type, which means you can modify its contents ?What all is modifiable in a dictionary ?Can you modify the keys of a dictionary ?

Q10. How is del D and del D[<key>] different from one another if D is a dictionary ?

Q11. How is clear( ) function different from del < dict > statement ? 


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