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Marine debris is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. It is also known as the ____________trash vortex, spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan.

Select one:
 A. Arctic
 B. Atlantic
 C. Pacific
 D. Indian

India is a biodiversity rich region. It harbors several ecosystem habitats and hosts four biodiversity _____________: the Himalayas, the Western Ghats, the Indo-Burma region and the Sundaland. Name it.

Select one:
 A. Redspots
 B. Hotspots
 C. Lowspots
 D. Landspots

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been the guiding principle and environmental conscience-keeper of the world agriculture since the late sixties as a responsive sequel to the classical book written by Rachel Carson? What is the title of this book?

Select one:
 A. The Sense of Wonder
 B. The Sea Around Us
 C. Always, Rachel
 D. Silent Spring


______________are defined as ‘the world’s major communities, classified according to predominant vegetation, and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment’.

Select one:
 A. Ecosystem
 B. Niche
 C. None of the listed options
 D. Biome


Which of the following statements hold true for bio pesticides?

Select one:
 A. They pose less risk to people
 B. They are not an eco-friendly alternative to chemical pesticides
 C. They pose risk to environment just like any other synthetic pesticide
 D. They are not derived from living organisms, microorganisms, and other natural sources


Buildings can be made energy-efficient during construction by following a few practices. Which of the following factors does not influence energy efficiency of a house?

Select one:
 A. Space planning
 B. Distance from a motorable road
 C. Natural lighting
 D. House orientation

Considering the current pattern of over- consumption, individuals living in developed countries have, in general, a ____________ecological footprint than those living in the developing world.


Select one:
 A. Higher
 B. Same
 C. Proportionate
 D. Lesser

The coliform bacterial test is done to check the status of pollution in a water sample. It ascertains whether the sample has microscopic organisms usually found in our _____________________.


Select one:
 A. Respiratory system
 B. Digestive system
 C. Circulatory system
 D. Nervous system

Which of the following has not been mentioned under COVID 19 pledge?

Select one:
 A. I promise to follow and encourage others to follow the key COVID appropriate behaviours
 B. To maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet from others
 C. Together we will win this fight against COVID-19
 D. To always wear a mask or face cover, especially when in public places

Which of the following process is used to clean up soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and other hazardous compounds?

Select one:
 A. Gasification
 B. Innoculation
 C. Fragmentation
 D. Bioremediation


Most flowering plants depend on insects like honeybees and butterflies to transport ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬-___________________ from one part of a flower to another.

Select one:
 A. Stomata
 B. Eggs
 C. Lenticels
 D. Pollen


Which pesticide is banned by India for agricultural spraying but is used against malaria?

Select one:
 A. Malathion
 B. Pyrethrin
 C. Endosulphan


Radio waves in the shortwave band can be reflected or refracted from a layer of electrically charged atoms in the atmosphere called the ______________.

Select one:
 A. Stratosphere
 B. Mesosphere
 C. Ionosphere
 D. Troposphere


Herbal tea/ decoction suggested by the Ministry of AYUSH as an ‘Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measure’ should include which of the following ingredients?

Select one:
 A. All options listed here
 B. Dalchini (Cinnamon)
 C. Shunthi (Dry Ginger)
 D. Kalimirch (Black pepper)


___________________ is a type of greenhouse where polyethylene cover is used. It is a low cost  and easy maintenance solution.

Select one:
 A. Polygon house
 B. Portacabin
 C. Polyhouse
 D. Bamboo house


Waste in water causes various forms of water borne diseases. Which of the following infection causes round worm, whip worm, and thread worm?

Select one:
 A. Bacterial
 B. Protozoan
 C. Viral
 D. Helminthic


____________ is a low-pressure area formed in the atmosphere in which winds spiral inwards. Nisarga was an example of this tropical feature that had hit the coastal city of Mumbai, Maharashtra in June 2020.

Select one:
 A. Tornado
 B. Tsunami
 C. Cyclone
 D. Hurricane


India is pushing to increase fish production in small ponds and water bodies, which will not only be a boon for small farmers, but also contribute to the nation’s nutrition and its gross domestic product. These efforts are known as ______________.

Select one:
 A. Fish Revolution
 B. Blue Revolution
 C. Sea Revolution
 D. Green Revolution


Air pollution is one of the many ____________factors that can influence bee populations. This in turn affects pollination and health of flowering plants.

Select one:
 A. Abiotic
 B. Living
 C. Natural
 D. Biotic


The koala bear is a nocturnal, tree-dwelling creature, which feeds almost exclusively on the leaves of a few species of eucalyptus. To which family does the koala bear actually belong?

Select one:
 A. Marsupial
 B. Amphibians
 C. Reptile
 D. Rodent

Which of the following food type makes up nearly all of a giant panda’s diet?

Select one:
 A. Insects
 B. Bamboo
 C. Apples
 D. Spirogyra


The term GM, which stands for ‘___________ __________’, is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created by humans using advanced molecular biology techniques.

Select one:
 A. Genetically modified
 B. Green mass
 C. Great maize
 D. Green maize


Coal and petroleum are important fossil fuels which are formed due to a series of reactions spread over several million years. When fossil fuels are burnt, which of the are not released?

Select one:
 A. Heat
 B. Copper oxide
 C. Sulphur dioxide
 D. Carbon dioxide

An important method to control spread of contagious diseases is to disrupt the transmission pathway. The high virulence and prevalence of Bubonic plague took a heavy toll on human life. Caused by a bacterial strain, Yersina pestis, this disease was also known as:

Select one:
 A. Tuberculosis
 B. Yellow fever
 C. Black death


Heavy metal pollutants in the atmosphere are of concern, as they have adverse health effects. Identify which of the following are heavy metals?

Select one:
 A. Lead
 B. Calcium
 C. Both A & B
 D. None of the listed options


Pollutants can be more concentrated in animals higher in the food chain because of _______________.


Select one:
 A. Biomagnification
 B. Bioaccumulation
 C. Bioconcentration
 D. Bioassay


Cactus has an ability to withstand long periods of dry conditions as they have penetrating roots and special features to store water. What are these special categories of desert plants known as?

Select one:
 A. Saprophytes
 B. Phytophytes
 C. Aerophytes
 D. Xerophytes


Which crop is immersed in water during its growing period, leading to the emission of large quantities of methane into the atmosphere?

Select one:
 A. Barley
 B. Rice
 C. Maize
 D. Wheat


Which Indian scientist has discovered that plants (Mimosa pudica) respond to external stimulus?

Select one:
 A. M S Swaminathan
 B. C V Raman
 C. Jagdish Chandra Bose
 D. Har Gobind Khorana


Which of the following are included in the principles of organic agriculture?

Select one:
 A. Should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment
 B. Sustain and enhance the health of soil, plants, animals and humans as one and indivisible
 C. All options listed here
 D. Build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to common environment and life processes

The Asian long horned beetle got transported to the western world in the 90’s via a shipment of solid wood packing material from China. This tiny black beetle is responsible for death of thousands of trees in USA. What was the port of entry of this shipment from China?

Select one:
 A. Texas, Houston
 B. None of the options listed here
 C. Redlands, California
 D. Brooklyn, New York

Waste should be segregated into dry and wet before disposal. Dry waste includes wood, metals, glass and related items. Wet waste typically refers to organic waste usually generated by eating establishments. Waste sorting involves separating items post collection. Which of the following statement holds true for effective waste management?

Select one:
 A. All options listed here
 B. Segregation is a better method over sorting as it leads to minimum wastage
 C. Sorting of waste produces impure materials with lower quality
 D. Segregation of waste ensures pure, quality material


Oil pulling therapy has been recommended as an immunity boosting measure by the Ministry of AYUSH during COVID – 19 pandemic. What does it mean?

Select one:
 A. Swish Sesame / Coconut oil followed with drinking of warm water
 B. Drink Sesame / Coconut oil followed with a swish
 C. Drinking warm water followed with a swish with Sesame / Coconut oil
 D. None of the options listed here

___________________are plastics made from organic materials such as corn starch, and often made up of polylactic acid (PLA). PLA has properties similar to polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PET) and looks just like ordinary plastic.

Select one:
 A. Polystyrene
 B. Bioplastics
 C. Biodegradable plastics
 D. Pheromones

_______________________is a state of minimal activity and metabolic depression in endotherms. It is a seasonal feature characterized by low body-temperature, slow breathing and heart-rate, and low metabolic rate. It most commonly occurs during winter months.

Select one:
 A. Gestation
 B. Hibernation
 C. Aestivation
 D. Frutification

Thomas Malthus introduced a term to define the maximum population size our environment can sustain indefinitely. What is the term?

Select one:
 A. Carrying Capacity
 B. None of the listed options
 C. Ecological footprint
 D. Carbon footprint

When the wind blows past a wind turbine, its blades capture the wind's ____________energy and rotate, turning it into mechanical energy. This rotation turns an internal shaft connected to a gearbox, which increases the speed of rotation producing electricity.

Select one:
 A. Potential
 B. Chemical
 C. Electrical
 D. Kinetic

Established in 1972, and with its headquarter in Bonn, Germany, The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM - Organics International) is the worldwide umbrella organization for the _____________ ______________  movement, which represents close to 800 affiliates in 117 countries.

Select one:
 A. GMO agriculture
 B. Organic agriculture
 C. Monocrop culture
 D. Synthetic agriculture

Which of the following plant grows voraciously on water bodies like lakes and streams and aids in the process of eutrophication?

Select one:
 A. Gnetum
 B. Hydrilla
 C. Spirulina
 D. Hyacinth

Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals, causing health effects. Lead is particularly more dangerous to _______ because their bodies absorb it readily and their brains and nervous systems are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead.

Select one:
 A. Elderly
 B. Men
 C. Children
 D. Women


While purchasing electric appliances and equipment, buy products that are __________ __________ to save energy consumption.

Select one:
 A. Energy absorbing
 B. Energy exhaustive
 C. Energy efficient
 D. Energy inefficient


This strategy focuses on long-term prevention of damage to crops through a combination of techniques (biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties). What is the technical name for this type of bio-control?

Select one:
 A. Integrated Pest Management
 B. Synthetic pyrenoids
 C. Nematicide application
 D. Carbofuran fumigation


In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development originally created the term “sustainable development”. What is this commission also known as?

Select one:
 A. Species Survival Commission
 B. Ocean Biodiversity Commission
 C. None of the options listed here
 D. Brundtland Commission


Which of the following snake is found naturally in India?

Select one:
 A. Rattle snake
 B. Anaconda
 C. Cobra
 D. Spitting cobra


‘Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.’ This famous quote is one of the earliest in the direction of defining sustainable development. Who said this?

Select one:
 A. Kofi Annan
 B. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
 C. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
 D. Mahatma Gandhi


The Ramsar Convention held in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, aims at protection of which of the following ecosystems?

Select one:
 A. Deserts
 B. Forests
 C. Oceans
 D. Wetlands


Biodiversity is a measure of variation at the _____________, species, and ecosystem level.

Select one:
 A. Population
 B. Variety
 C. Genetic
 D. Community


Carbon monoxide has 200 times more affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen.  It combines and forms a stable compound, which is highly poisonous and causes suffocation and death. Identify it?

Select one:
 A. Carbon monoxide
 B. Carboxyhaemoglobin
 C. Carbon dioxide
 D. Carbonate


Natural habitat of most polar bears is north of the Arctic Circle to the North Pole. Polar bears live in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and some northern islands owned by Norway, such as Svalbard. Of the following which is the most preferred natural prey of polar bear?

Select one:
 A. Garbage
 B. Seal
 C. Berries
 D. Seaweed


VOCs are compounds that have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility. These are mostly human-made chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, pharmaceuticals, etc. What is the full form of VOC?

Select one:
 A. Volatile Organic Chemical
 B. Volatile Organic Compound
 C. Versatile Oil Compound
 D. Ventilation Organic Chemical

Name the national park in Assam which has the largest number of one-horned rhinoceros?

Select one:
 A. Kaziranga National Park
 B. Kanha National Park
 C. Periyar National Park
 D. Corbett National Park

Benzene, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde, are a few common examples of VOCs that may be present in our daily lives. Some of the main sources of  VOCs found at household level are?

Select one:
 A. All options listed here
 B. Vinyl flooring
 C. Paints
 D. Air fresheners

______________is a process that occurs at all trophic levels in an aquatic environment. This is the opposite of bio magnification, since in this process a pollutant gets smaller in concentration as it progresses up a food web.

Select one:
 A. Pollution
 B. Magnification
 C. Biodilution
 D. Bioaccumulation

Which of the following drinks has been suggested by the Ministry of AYUSH as an ‘Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measure’?

Select one:
 A. Golden milk
 B. Black tea
 C. Black tea
 D. Hot milk

Which two most common gases are present in dry air?

Select one:
 A. Oxygen and nitrogen
 B. Argon and nitrogen
 C. Nitrogen and helium
 D. Neon and oxygen

Name the animal which is referred in the phrase ‘Grey blanket over Australia’. The animal is responsible for grave damage to agriculture every year.

Select one:
 A. Rabbit
 B. Koala bear
 C. Cat
 D. Kangaroo

There is a maximum population size that a specific habitat or ecosystem can support over a time without degrading the environment. What is this population size called?

Select one:
 A. Demographic capacity
 B. Carrying capacity
 C. Geographic capacity
 D. Environmental capacity

The _____________is the lowest layer of our atmosphere. Upwards from the ground it extends to about 10 km above sea level.

Select one:
 A. Ionosphere
 B. Mesosphere
 C. Troposphere
 D. Stratosphere

Which term is used to describe a type of pollination whereby pollen of plants is distributed by insects?

Select one:
 A. Entomophily
 B. Anemophily
 C. Hydrophily
 D. Zoophily

Pollutants discharged from tanneries cause excessive damage to environment. In conventional vegetable tanning, barks and nuts are used throughout the whole tanning process instead of ____________.

Select one:
 A. Chromium
 B. Nickel
 C. Lead
 D. Copper

Insulation helps reduce heat gain and heat loss from a building. Double-glazed windows act as good _______________ by ensuring air gaps between the double glaze.

Select one:
 A. Amplifiers
 B. Insulators
 C. Purifiers
 D. Reflectors

Which of the following substances is the major cause for the loss of our stratospheric ozone shield?

Select one:
 A. Oxygen
 B. Kryptonite
 C. CFCs
 D. Acid rain

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List includes the global conservation status of many species. A/ An _________________ species is that which is very likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide or in a particular political jurisdiction.

Select one:
 A. Extinct
 B. Rare
 C. Endangered
 D. Threatened

Some products we use contain CFC, which are responsible for depletion of ozone layer. What is the full form of CFCs?

Select one:
 A. Chlorofluorocarbons
 B. Chemofluorines
 C. Chlorofoam
 D. Chloricfluorides

Release of unwanted heat into environment causes water temperature to rise, affecting the aquatic environment, and existence of the aquatic species. What is this release of unwanted heat into the surroundings known as?

Select one:
 A. Hydro pollution
 B. Phyto pollution
 C. Thermal pollution
 D. Photo pollution

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List lists the global conservation status of many species. A/An ____________species is a group of organisms that are very uncommon, scarce, or infrequently encountered.

Select one:
 A. Endangered
 B. Rare
 C. Threatened
 D. Extinct

The science of soil-less gardening is called _____________. It basically involves growing healthy plants without the use of a traditional soil medium.

Select one:
 A. None of the listed options
 B. Vivipary
 C. Parthenogenesis
 D. Hydroponics

Certified organic products cannot contain genetically engineered ingredients because the latter are manipulated in a lab. What is a GMO?

Select one:
 A. Generated modified organisms
 B. Genetically mutated organisms
 C. General mutagenic organisms
 D. Genetically modified organisms

There is a worldwide ban on international trade in ivory and ivory products. Still many domestic markets thrive on illegal ivory businesses. This town on the Kerala coast is perhaps the single most exit point for ivory from the southern part of India. Which is this town?

Select one:
 A. Quilon
 B. Kozhikode
 C. Kochi
 D. Palakkad

A majority of the River Ganga basin is in India. The Ganga river basin covers 11 Indian states and UTs. These are Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Delhi and ________________.

Select one:
 A. Assam
 B. Jammu and Kashmir
 C. Punjab
 D. Uttarakhand

______________sources of energy can either not be replaced or are replaced very slowly by natural processes. Overuse of these resources is currently leading to their depletion.

Select one:
 A. Non renewable
 B. Renewable
 C. None of the listed options
 D. Non-conventional

Which of the following tasks have been listed by the government to fight COVID – 19?

Select one:
 A. Take care of elderly
 B. All options listed here
 C. Don’t fire people from jobs
 D. Practice social distancing

Renewable energy is any source of energy that can be used without depleting its reserves. These sources are indirectly derived from solar energy. Which of the following statements can be attributed to renewable energy?

Select one:
 A. They severely pollute the environment
 B. They all use the power of the sun
 C. Most resources do not need burning
 D. These sources will run out

The giant panda and the distantly related red panda share characteristics of both bears and raccoon. Of these two, which is found in India in its natural habitat?

Select one:
 A. None of the listed options
 B. Red panda
 C. Both
 D. Giant panda

Over exploitation of resources have driven many plant and animal species to extinction. Which of the following species is not extinct in India?

Select one:
 A. Sikkim Stag
 B. Dhole
 C. Mountain quail
 D. Cheetah 

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