Q. What are the components of a website?

Answer =

Components of a Website:-

Web-host:- Hosting is where a website is physically located. Group of linked webpages qualify to be called a website only when hosted on a web-server. On a web-server, somewhere, are a set of files that are transmitted to user computers when they specify the address of the website.

Address:- This is the address of the website (also called URL of the site). When someone asks to see a website, (she needs to put this address into the web browser, and the asked site is delivered by the web-server.

Homepage:- Every website has a home page. It is the first web page that appears when viewers go to a website. Home page of a website is very important as it sets the look and feel of the website and directs viewers to the rest of the pages in the website.

Design:- It is the overall look and feel the website has as a result of proper use and integration elements like navigation menus, graphics, layout etc.

Content:- All the webpages contained in the website together make up the content of the website.

The Navigation Structure:- The navigation structure of a website is the order of the pages, the collection of what links to what. Usually it is held together by at least one navigation menu.

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