Q. Define the following terms:

(a) Baud

(b) Communication channel

(c) Hubs

(d) Repeaters

Answer =

(a) Baud: - Baud is a unit of measurement for the information-carrying capacity of a communication channel.

(b) Communication channel: - A communication channel is also known as communication media or transmission media. Communication media can be wireless or wired. Wireless media is also known as unguided media while wired media is also known as guided media.

(c) Hubs: - In computer networking, a hub is a small, simple, low-cost device that joins multiple computers together.

(d) Repeaters: - It is a device that amplifies and restores the signal before it gets degraded and transmits the original signal back to the destination. A repeater is a re-generator and not an amplifier.

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