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Q1. Name the software required to make a computer functional. Write down its two primary functions.

Q2. What is the need of RAM? How does it differ from ROM?

Q3. What is the need for secondary memory?

Q4. Draw the block diagram of a computer system. Briefly write about the functionality of each component.

Q5. Differentiate between proprietary software and freeware software. Name two software of each type.

Q6. Mention any browsers used for browsing the internet.

Q7. Name the input/output device used to do the following:
(a) To output audio
(b) To enter textual data
(c) To make hard copy of a text file
(d) To display the data/information
(e) To enter audio-based command
(f) To build 3D models
(g) To assist a visually impaired individual in entering data

Q8. Identify the category (system, application, programming tool) of the following software:

(a) Compiler
(b) Assembler
(c) Ubuntu
(d) Text editor

Q9. Convert the following into bytes:
(a) 2 MB
(b) 3.7 GB
(c) 1.2 TB

Q10. What is the security threats involved when we throw away electronic gadgets that are non-functional?

Q11. Write down the type of memory needed to do the following:
(a) To store data permanently
(b) To execute the program
(c) To store the instructions which cannot be overwritten.

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