Q. Given the following set of data:

Weight measurements for 16 small orders of French-fries (in grams).

78 72 69 81 63 67 65 75

79 74 71 83 71 79 80 69

(a) Create a simple histogram from the above data

(b) Create a horizontal histogram from the above data

(c) Create a step type of histogram from the above data

(d) Create a cumulative histogram from the above data

Answer :-


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

a = [ 78 ,72, 69 ,81 ,63 ,67 ,65 ,75 ,79 ,74 ,71, 83 ,71 ,79 ,80 ,69 ]

plt.hist( a )


Output :-


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

a = [ 78 ,72, 69 ,81 ,63 ,67 ,65 ,75 ,79 ,74 ,71, 83 ,71 ,79 ,80 ,69 ]

plt.hist( a , orientation="horizontal" )


Output :-


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

a = [ 78 ,72, 69 ,81 ,63 ,67 ,65 ,75 ,79 ,74 ,71, 83 ,71 ,79 ,80 ,69 ]

plt.hist( a , histtype="step" )


Output :-


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

a = [ 78 ,72, 69 ,81 ,63 ,67 ,65 ,75 ,79 ,74 ,71, 83 ,71 ,79 ,80 ,69 ]

plt.hist( a , cumulative = True )


Otuput :-

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