Q. Fill in the blanks:

(a) To transmit data for sharing on a network, it has to be divided into smaller chunks called ______________________.

(b) The set of rules that decide the functioning of a network is called _______________.

(c) A LAN can be extended up to a distance of __________ km.

(d) The ___________________ connects a local area network to the internet.

(e) The _____________ topology is of hierarchical nature.

(f) ____________________ is a standard naming convention used for accessing resources over the Internet.

(g) ______________ is a collection of related web pages.

(h) A _____________ is a computer that provides services to other programs or computers.

Answer :-

(a) packets

(b) network protocol

(c) 1 km

(d) Router

(e) tree

(f) Uniform Resource Locators (URL)

(g) website

(h) Server

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