Q. What is Eavesdropping? What security measures can you take up to prevent it?


Eavesdropping:- Unauthorized monitoring of other people's communications is called Eavesdropping.

Some security measures can we take up to prevent it:-

• Use Anti-Spam software.

Following are two of main methods used by anti-spam software to get rid of spam :-

(i) Sender filtering:- This method allows only messages from your approved sender list to reach your inbox- all other mail is quarantined for later review. Sender filtering is done on the basis of digital certificates and digital signatures.

(a) Digital Certificates, specially formatted digital information issued to website, are used to verify the identity of the message sender to the recipient. Digital certificates are issued by a certificate authority (CA) that is trusted by both the sender and recipient.

(b) Digital signatures are a way of authenticating the identity of creators or producers of digital information. A digital signature is like a handwritten signature and can have the same legal authority in certain situations, such as buying and selling online or signing legal contracts.

(ii) Keyword filtering. This method filters out email messages that contain certain keywords or phrases, which are defined by you or others.

• Keep your email address private:- Be careful whom you give your email address to. Before giving your address out on an online form, check if there is a website privacy policy. This policy typically informs you of how they handle your personal information. Signing up for free offers seen online or by email may dramatically increase your chances of receiving spam messages.
• Use encrypted connection always especially if you have to provide sensitive information. Encrypted connections are made possible through protocols like Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Shell (SSH) and offer better security to data being transmitted.
• Install personal firewall on computers connected to the Internet so as to keep a check on incoming and outgoing information and connections.
• Always avoid conducting online transactions or using online banking services on public networks or public Internet facilities (e.g., public WiFi).
• Install protection software such as Internet security software that also provides intrusion prevention system to detect and prevent further attacks by eavesdroppers.

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