Q. Write a short note on White, Black, and Grey Hat Hackers.

Answer: -

White Hats: Ethical Hacker: -

If a hacker uses its knowledge to find and help in fixing the security flaws in the system, its termed as White Hat hacker. These are the hackers with good intentions. They are actually security experts. Organizations hire ethical or white hat hackers to check and fix their systems for potential security threats and loopholes. Technically, white hats work against black hats.

Black Hats: Crackers:-

If hackers use their knowledge unethically to break the law and disrupt security by exploiting the flaws and loopholes in a system, then they are called black hat hackers.

Grey Hats:-

The distinction between different hackers is not always clear. There exists a grey area in between, which represents the class of hackers that are neutral, they hack systems by exploiting its vulnerabilities, but they don’t do so for monetary or political gains. The grey hats take system security as a challenge and just hack systems for the fun of it.

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