Q. Construct a logical expression to represent each of the following conditions:
(i) Mark is greater than or equal to 100 but less than 70
(ii) Num is between 0 and 5 but not equal to 2
(iii) Answer is either 'N' OR 'n'
(iv) Age is greater than equal to 18 and gender is male.
(v) City is either 'Kolkata' or 'Mumbai'.
Answer :-
(i) Mark >= 100 and Mark < 70
(ii) Num > 0 and Num < 5 and Num != 2
(iii) Answer == 'N' or Answer == 'n'
(iv) Age >= 18 and gender == 'male'
(v) City == 'Kolkata' or City == 'Mumbai'
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