Q. Consider the following tables Item and Customer and answer the questions that follow:

Table: Item

Item_ID ItemName Manufacturer Price
PC01 Personal Computer HCL India 42000
LC05 Laptop HP USA 55000
PC03 Personal Computer Dell USA 32000
PC06 Personal Computer Zenith USA 37000
LC03 Laptop Dell USA 57000

Table: Customer

Item_ID CustomerName City
LC03 N Roy Delhi
PC03 H Singh Mumbai
PC06 R Pandey Delhi
LC03 C Sharma Chennai
PC01 K Agarwal Bengaluru

Assume that the Pandas has been imported as pd.

(a) Create a data frame called dfl for table item.

(b) Create a data frame called dfC for table Customer.

(c) Perform the default join operation on item_ID using two data-frames: dfl and dfC.

(d) Perform the left join operation on item_ID using two data-frames: dfl and dfC.

(e) Perform the right join operation on Item_ID using two data frames: dfi and dfC.

(f) Perform the default operation on Item_ID using two data frames: dfl and dfc with the left index as true.

(g) Perform the outer join operation on item_ID using two data frames: dfl and dfC.

(h) Create a new data frame dfN using data frames: dfl and dfC. The new dataframe data will hold both left index and right index true values.

(i) Arrange the data frame dfN in descending order of Price.

(j) Arrange the Data Frame dfN in descending order of City and Price.

Answer :-


import mysql.connector as a

db = a.connect(user = 'root', passwd = '0000000000', host = 'localhost', database = 'Path_Walla')
import pandas as pd
dfl = pd.read_sql(f'select * from item', db)



import mysql.connector as a

db = a.connect(user = 'root', passwd = '0000000000', host = 'localhost', database = 'Path_Walla')
import pandas as pd
dfC = pd.read_sql(f'select * from Customer', db)


(c) dfi.set_index('item_iD').join(dfc.set_index('key'))

(i) dfn.sort_values(by=['Price'],ascending=False)

(j)  dfn.sort_values(by=['Price','city'],ascending=False)

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