Q. Given a Series that stores the area of some states in km². Write code to find out the biggest and smallest three areas from the given Series. Given series has been created like this:
Ser1 = pd.Series ( [34567, 890, 450, 67892, 34677, 78902, 256711, 678291, 637632, 25723, 2367, 11789, 345, 256517])
Answer :-
import pandas as pd Ser1 = pd.Series( [34567, 890, 450, 67892, 34677, 78902, 256711, 678291, 637632, 25723, 2367, 11789, 345, 256517]) print("Top 3 biggest areas are :") print (Ser1.sort_values().tail(3)) print("3 smallest areas are :") print(Ser1.sort_values().head (3)) #An alternative code for above problem would be: import pandas as pd Ser1 = pd.Series( [34567, 890, 450, 67892, 34677, 78902, 256711, 678291, 637632, 25723, 2367, 11789, 345, 256517]) print("Top 3 biggest areas are :") print (Ser1.sort_values (ascending = False).head (3)) print("3 smallest areas are :") print (Ser1.sort_values (ascending = False). tail(3))
Top 3 biggest areas are :
6 256711
8 637632
7 678291
dtype: int64
3 smallest areas are :
12 345
2 450
1 890
dtype: int64
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