Multiple Choice Question For Python Pandas 2 Class 12 Informatics Practices
1. Which of the following commands is used to install sqlalchemy?
(a) pip install sqlchemy
(b) pip install sql-chemy
(c) pip install sqlalchemy
(d) pip install sql:chemy
2. Which method is used to access vertical subset of a dataframe?
(a) iterrows()
(b) iteritems()
(c) mod()
(d) median()
3. Which method is used to access horizontal subset of a dataframe?
(a) iterrows()
(b) iteritems()
(c) mod()
(d) median()
4. Which function is used to find the most often appeared value from a set of numbers?
(a) mean()
(b) median()
(c) mode()
(d) count()
5. Which function is used to change the order of existing indices/labels?
(a) shape()
(b) type()
(c) series()
(d) reindex()
6. Which function is used to find the middle number from a set of numbers?
(a) mean()
(b) median()
(c) mode()
(d) count()
7. Which function is used to find the average value from a set of numbers?
(a) mean()
(b) median()
(c) mode()
(d) avg()
8. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Quantiles are points in a distribution that relate to the rank order of the values in their distribution.
(b) Pivoting technique rearranges data from rows and columns by possibly aggregating data from multiple sources in a report form so that data can be viewed in different perspectives.
(c) Sorting refers to arranging data in a particular order.
(d) All of these
9. Which function is used to rename an existing column or index?
(a) std()
(b) hist()
(c) groupby()
(d) rename()
10. To iterate over horizontal subsets of dataframe, _____ function may be used.
(a) iterate()
(b) iterrows()
(c) itercols()
(d) iteritems()
11. To iterate over vertical subsets of a dataframe, _____ function may be used.
(a) iterate()
(b) iterrows()
(c) itercols()
(d) iteritems()
12. To add two dataframes' values, _____ function may be used.
(a) plus
(b) rplus
(c) add
(d) radd
13. To subtract the values of two dataframes, _____ function may be used.
(a) sub
(b) difference
(c) minus
(d) rsub
14. To divide the values of two dataframes, _____ function may be used.
(a) divide
(b) div
(c) rdiv
(d) division
15. To skip NaN values in a calculation, you can specify _____ attribute.
(a) NaN
(b) NA
(c) skipna
(d) all of these
16. Which of the following is not a valid function that can be used with dataframes ?
(a) count()
(b) sum()
(c) length()
(d) mad()
17. A technique, which when performed on a dataframe, rearranges the data from rows and columns in a report form, is called _____.
(a) summarising
(b) reporting
(c) grouping
(d) pivoting
18. The technique that divides total distribution of data into a given number of equal proportions is called a _____.
(a) quartile
(b) tercile
(c) median
(d) quantile
19. _____ divides the total distribution in four equal parts.
(a) quartile
(b) tercile
(c) median
(d) quantile
20. To divide total distribution of given data in two equal parts, _____ function is used.
(a) median()
(b) quartile()
(c) quantile()
(d) all of these
21. To divide total distribution of given data in four equal parts, _____ function is used.
(a) median()
(b) quartile()
(c) quantile()
(d) all of these
22. To divide total distribution of given data in eight equal parts, _____ function is used.
(a) median()
(b) quartile()
(c) quantile()
(d) all of these
23. The technique to summarise given data by transferring rows to columns is called _____.
(a) transfer
(b) transpose
(c) pivoting
(d) swapping
24. The function to perform pivoting with dataframes having unique values is _____.
(a) pivot(unique = True)
(b) pivot()
(c) pivot_table(unique = True)
(d) pivot_table()
25. The function to perform pivoting with dataframes having duplicate values is _____.
(a) pivot(unique = True)
(b) pivot()
(c) pivot_table(unique = True)
(d) pivot_table()
26. The function to create histograms for all numeric columns of a dataframe is _____.
(a) histogram()
(b) hist(numeric_only = True)
(c) hist()
(d) all of these
27. Which of the following is not a descriptive statistics function?
(a) count()
(b) add()
(c) sum()
(d) max()
28. Which function calculates descriptive statistical details for a dataframe ?
(a) info()
(b) describe()
(c) show()
(d) list()
29. To calculative cumulative sum of a column of a dataframe, you may use _____ function.
(a) sun()
(b) sum(cumulative = True)
(c) cumsum()
(d) none of these
30. The function to get the index of maximum value in a column of dataframe is _____.
(a) max()
(b) index()
(c) idxmax()
(d) maxidx()
31. To get top 5 rows of a dataframe, you may use _____ function.
(a) head()
(b) head(5)
(c) top()
(d) top(5)
32. To get bottom 3 rows of a dataframe, you may use _____ function.
(a) tail()
(b) tail(3)
(c) bottom()
(d) bottom(3)
33. Function _____ can be used to drop missing values.
(a) fillna( )
(b) isnull()
(c) dropna( )
(d) delna()
34. Which of the following methods of combining two dataframes is a patching method ?
(a) concat()
(b) merge()
(c) join()
(d) none of thes
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