Q. Write SQL commands for (i) to (v) on the basis of relations given below:
Table:- BOOKS
Book_id | Book_name | author_name | Publishers | Price | Type | qty |
k0001 | Let us C | Sanjay Mukharjee | EPB | 450 | Comp | 15 |
p0001 | Genuine | J. Mukhi | FIRST PUBL. | 755 | Fiction | 24 |
m0001 | Mastering C++ | Kantkar | EPB | 165 | Comp | 60 |
n0002 | VC++ advance | P. Purohit | TDH | 250 | Comp | 45 |
k0002 | Programming with Python | Sanjeev | FIRST PUBL. | 350 | Fiction | 30 |
Table:- ISSUED
Book_ID | Qty_Issued |
L02 | 13 |
L04 | 5 |
LO5 | 21 |
(i) To show the books of FIRST PUBL. Publishers written by P. Purohit.
(ii) To display cost of all the books published for FIRST PUBL.
(iii) Depreciate the price of all books of EPB publishers by 5%.
(iv) To show total cost of books of each type.
(v) To show the details of the costliest book.
Answer :-
(i) Select * from books where author_name = “P. Purohit” and Publishers = “FIRST PUBL” ;
(ii) Select * from books where Publishers = “FIRST PUBL” ;
(iii) update books set price = price * 0.95 where publisher = “EPB” ;
(iv) select sum( price ) , type from books group by type ;
(v) select * from books where ( select max( price ) from books) = price ;
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