True / False For Plotting with PyPlot Class 12 Informatics Practices (IP)
1. The matplotlib is a Python interface.
2. To save the plot, we have to use save graph() function.
3. Frequency polygons are drawn with respect to the histogram created.
4. The box plot is also described as five-number summary plot.
5. In box plot, the highest and lowest scores are not joined to the box by straight lines.
6. Plot can be saved in a pdf format.
7. We can specify different colours for different bars of a bar chart.
8. To use Pyplot for data visualization, we have to import it by giving import command for matplotlib. pyplot.
9. Pyplot is a Python library.
10. Frequency polygon is a type of frequency distribution graph.
11. To specify a common width for all bars in a bar graph, we have to use thick argument.
12. To add a Title to the plot, we have to call function header().
13. Markers are data points in the graphs.
14. Line style argument of plot() function is not required in scatter chart.
15. When we don't specify X or Y limits for a plot, then Pyplot does not automatically decide limits as per values being plotted.
16. PyPlot is a sub-library of matplotlib library.
17. Statement import pyplot.matplotlib is a valid statement for working on pyplot functions.
18. By default, pie chart is printed in elliptical or oval shape.
19. The default shape of pie chart cannot be change from oval.
20. A line chart can be plotted using pyplot library's line() function.
21. A line chart can be plotted using pyplot library's plot() function.
22. A bar chart can be plotted using pyplot library's bar() function.
23. A bar chart can be plotted using pyplot library's barh() function.
24. It is not possible to plot multiple series of values in the same bar graph.
25. A standard marker of representing a non-number data in Python libraries is NaN.
26. If the linestyle argument is missing along with markerstyle-string in a plot(), a scatter type chart get created.
27. The bar() function can also create horizontal bar charts.
28. The pie() function can plot multiple data series.
29. The plot is always as per the data series being plotted irrespective of the xlim().
30. Frequency polygon is created from histogram.
Answers :-
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True
11. False
12. False
13. True
14. True
15. False
16. TRUE
18. TRUE
21. TRUE
22. TRUE
23. TRUE
25. TRUE
26. TRUE
30. TRUE
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