Q. A given text file "data.txt" contains:

Line 1\n


Line 3

Line 4


Line 6

What would be the output of following code?

fh = open ("data.txt", "r")

1st = fh.readlines()

print (1st[0], end = '')

print (1st[2], end = "")

print (1st[5], end = '')

print (1st[1], end = '')

print (1st[4], end = '')

print (1st[3])

Answer :-

Output :-

Line 1\n
Line 3
Line 4
Line 6


Explanation :-

1. `fh = open("data.txt", "r")`: This line opens the file "data.txt" in read mode and assigns it to the variable `fh`.

2. `1st = fh.readlines()`: This line reads all the lines from the file and stores them in the list variable `1st`. The file contents are read line by line and stored in the list, including the newline characters ('\n').

Now let's analyze the print statements:

3. `print(1st[0], end='')`: This prints the first element of the list `1st`, which is "Line 1". The `end=''` parameter is used to prevent printing an additional newline character after the line.

4. `print(1st[2], end="")`: This prints the third element of the list `1st`, which is "Line 3". The `end=''` parameter is used again to prevent printing an additional newline character after the line.

5. `print(1st[5], end='')`: This prints the sixth element of the list `1st`, which is "Line 6". The `end=''` parameter is used to prevent printing an additional newline character after the line.

6. `print(1st[1], end='')`: This prints the second element of the list `1st`, which is a newline character ('\n'). The `end=''` parameter is used to prevent printing an additional newline character after the line.

7. `print(1st[4], end='')`: This prints the fifth element of the list `1st`, which is also a newline character ('\n'). The `end=''` parameter is used to prevent printing an additional newline character after the line.

8. `print(1st[3])`: This prints the fourth element of the list `1st`, which is "Line 4". This line does not include the `end=''` parameter, so it prints the line and adds a newline character at the end.
In the output, the newline characters ('\n') are displayed as literal '\n' since they are not interpreted as line breaks.


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