Fill In the Blanks For String Manipulation Class 11 Computer Science (CS)
1. The string indexes begin _____ onwards.
2. For strings, _____ operator performs concatenation.
3. For strings, _____ operators performs replication.
4. The _____ and _____ _____are membership operators for strings (in, not in).
5. The _____ returns the ASCII value of a given character.
6. If a string contains letters and digits, function _____ will return true.
7. 'ab'.isalpha() will return value as _____ .
8. To get each word's first letter capitalized, _____ function is used.
9. Function _____ raises an exception if the substring is not found.
10. Function _____ divides a line of text into individual words.
Answer :-
1. 0
2. +
3. *
4. in, not in
5. ord()
6. isalnum()
7. False
8. title()
9. index()
10. split()
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