Q. Given the following pseudo code: 

Use variable: number of type real
DISPLAY "Type in a number or zero to stop"
ACCEPT number
WHILE number 0
Square number number
DISPLAY "The square of the number is", square
DISPLAY "Type in a number or zero to stop"
ACCEPT number

Draw a flow chart for the same and dry run the given pseudocode if it is working fine.

Answer :-

Pseudocode is wrong . the incorrect statement is :- WHILE number 0
it should be WHILE number is not equal to 0

Program :-
n = int(input("Enter a number (0 to stop):- "))
while n != 0:
    square = n * n
    print("Square of number :- ", square)
    n = int(input("Enter a number (0 to stop):- "))
Output :-

Enter a number (0 to stop):- 2
Square of number :-  4
Enter a number (0 to stop):- 7
Square of number :-  49
Enter a number (0 to stop):- 55
Square of number :-  3025
Enter a number (0 to stop):- 0

Flowchart :-

Click on image for clear view.

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