Q. What is the difference between, a + 1 and a += 1 and a = a + 1? To find out, execute the following code fragments and write your answer below:

Fragment 1

a = 20
a + 1
print (a)

Fragment 2

a = 20
a += 1
print (a)

Fragment 3

a = 20
a = a + 1
print ()

Answer :-

Output fragment 1:- 21
But value of variable ‘a’ will not change.

Output fragment 2: -21
But value of variable ‘a’ will change. Now new value of variable ‘a’ is 21.

Output fragment 3: -It will print nothing because print statement is empty.
But value of variable ‘a’ will change. Now new value of variable ‘a’ is 21.

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