Q. Carefully go through the following sample code and identify various parts of functions.

def sub1(a, b):
    print (b, "-", a, " = ", b - a)

def cube2(x):
    return x*x*x-x

def cube1(x):
    return x*x*x

def greeting():
    print("Welcome to Python")

Answer :-


Function Name sub1
Takes any argument? If yes, their names arguments are ‘a’, ‘b’.
Number of statements in the function-body One
Returns any value? Yes, it returns value after solving values of variable ‘a’ and ‘b’.
What is it doing? (Carefully read the code and write a line about its functionality) It prints data which is passes in print statement.


Function Name cube2
Takes any argument? If yes, their names arguments are ‘x’.
Number of statements in the function-body Two
Returns any value? Yes
What is it doing? (Carefully read the code and write a line about its functionality) It solves expression which is in the function.


Function Name cube1
Takes any argument? If yes, their names arguments are ‘x’.
Number of statements in the function-body One
Returns any value? Yes
What is it doing? (Carefully read the code and write a line about its functionality) It solves expression which is in the function.


Function Name greeting
Takes any argument? If yes, their names No
Number of statements in the function-body One
Returns any value? Yes
What is it doing? (Carefully read the code and write a line about its functionality) It prints data which is passes in print statement.

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